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Tips for Boosting Indoor Air Quality Ahead of Spring

Improving your indoor air quality is a great way to breathe easier and boost your family’s health. Maintaining good indoor air quality can reduce the chances that you suffer from allergies and get sick.

You can keep reading to learn our tips for improving your indoor air quality, which includes investing in a whole house indoor air purifier. Just give our team a call to schedule your appointment and learn more about air purifiers in Plano, TX.

Boost Indoor Air Quality

Our team offers a variety of services that can help improve your indoor air quality. These include:

  • Duct cleaning
  • Duct sealing
  • Humidifiers
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Indoor air purifiers

This post focuses on indoor air purifiers, although these other services may be beneficial to your home as well. 

Types of Air Purifiers

There are two basic types of indoor air purifiers. The first is a portable model that you plug into a wall. The second is a whole house version that fits into your existing HVAC system. A smaller portable air purifier may work if you live in a very small space like a studio apartment. However, if you have a home that is larger than that, a whole-house model is definitely the way to go.

A whole house air purifier is inside of your HVAC system so you don’t have to worry about it being in the way around your home. Once you decide to get a whole-house air purifier installed, the next step is selecting a model. Whole-house air purifiers filter air in one of two ways. The first type of air purifier uses a highly rated filter to capture and eliminate harmful particles in your air. 

The other type of whole-house air purifier uses UV light to neutralize particles in the air as it passes under. Either type of air purifier is a great choice. The only maintenance you’ll need to complete is changing out the air filter or UV light once each year. This is a task that our team can help with during an annual maintenance appointment.

Benefits of an Air Purifier

Did you know that the air inside your home can have up to five times the pollution levels of the air outside your home? This is because harmful particles get trapped inside and re-circulate again and again, even as you continue to bring in new contaminants with you. The air in your home is filled with everything from pollen and car pollution to household cleaners and bacteria.

There’s only so much you can do to keep your home clean by wiping down surfaces and vacuuming. An air purifier helps to fill in the gaps and eliminate harmful particles from the air. A whole-house air purifier can reduce the chances that you suffer from allergies or get sick. You can’t prevent harmful particles from being in the air around you when you’re away, but you should be able to breathe easier when you are at home.

Aside from helping you breathe, easier, an air purifier can also help to lighten the load on your HVAC system. When there are less harmful particles in the air, your HVAC system doesn’t have to work as hard for heating and cooling.

You may not think that microscopic particles have that big of an impact on HVAC efficiency, but they really do. Lightening the load on your HVAC system even just a little can go a long way toward boosting energy efficiency and helping your system last longer.

Contact Mr. Air Repair today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

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