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Tips for Boosting AC Efficiency This Spring

As the weather warms up, you may be looking for ways to lower your energy costs while still staying comfortable. Getting a headstart on doing that early in the season can help you build good habits ahead of the hotter summer months.

Of course, professional AC maintenance in Roulette is one of the best ways to ensure efficient air conditioner operation. Aside from that, you can keep reading to learn some of our tips for boosting AC efficiency without spending much money at all, if any. When you’re ready, you can give our team a call to get on the schedule for your spring maintenance appointment if you haven’t already.

Check Windows and Doors for Gaps

One of the simplest ways to boost air conditioner efficiency is to keep more cool air inside your home. You can do this by ensuring that windows and doors don’t have gaps allowing cool air to escape outside. Even tiny crevices can allow a lot of air to escape.

Keeping cool air indoors helps maintain a more consistent temperature so your air conditioner isn’t turning on more frequently to cool your home again and again. Instead, it can take longer breaks in between cooling cycles since your home is maintaining the cool air better.

Utilize Your Ceiling Fans 

It’s also a good idea to make sure your ceiling fans are moving in the correct direction. You want your fan to rotate counterclockwise during the spring and summer months. This pushes airflow down to create a breezy effect. While a ceiling fan will not actually lower the temperature in your home, it can make the air feel as much as 4° cooler than it really is. This can allow you to set your thermostat a little higher and save money on energy costs while still feeling great.

Monitor Humidity Levels

If your home feels muggy or humid, the humidity levels inside may be higher than normal. When this happens, the air can feel warmer than it really is. You can purchase a hygrometer from your local hardware store to measure indoor humidity levels. Healthy humidity falls within a range of 30% to 50%. 

The higher the humidity levels are, the more uncomfortable your home will be. This may be an issue with your air conditioner, or it may simply be our climate. Adding a dehumidifier can help your home feel more comfortable and also improve indoor air quality at the same time.

Invest in Professional Services 

Aside from installing a dehumidifier, you can also invest in other professional HVAC services like duct sealing, AC maintenance, and blowing in extra insulation. Any steps that you can take to keep cool air inside your home will lower your energy costs and save you money. The savings could easily add up to cover the cost of these upgrades and even save you more above what you are spending.

Contact Mr. Air Repair today to schedule an appointment with our professionals for your AC service ahead of the spring season.

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